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Featured Project: Lighting M&V Project

Note: Client name and site location have been removed from this case study to protect sensitive information. Images shown are not of the installation and are for illustration purposes only.

Client Overview.

The client operates a manufacturing and processing plant in New South Wales, Australia. In preparation for an LED lighting upgrade of 80 light fittings, Ecovantage was engaged to conduct a Measurement & Verification project to generate energy certificates for the energy savings.

Project Summary.

Ecovantage was engaged by the client to conduct an energy savings study following a site-wide upgrade of high pressure sodium luminaire and metal halide luminaire light fittings. The existing lighting was replaced with equivalent output LED alternatives requiring approximately half the energy consumption. Using the Project-Based Activity (PBA) method of Measurement & Verification, in order to create Energy Savings Certificates (ESCs), Ecovantage identified IPMVP Option B Retrofit Isolation as the most suitable approach to capture the energy savings from the technology changeover.

LED Lighting Technology
LED Lighting
Upgrade size
80 x LED floodlights
Measurement period
24/06/22 – 26/10/22
Warehouse lighting

Savings Summary.

LED Lighting.

Baseline energy usage (pre-install)
634.62 MWh
Operating energy usage (post-install)
342.20 MWh
First year energy savings
310.42 MWh
Savings over 10 years
3,104.17 MWh
Energy Saving Certificates (ESCs)
Certificate financial value*

*Based on the ESC contracted price, minus fees.

Normalised Savings.

Normal Year Savings (bs)

Measurement & Verification Process.

1. Develop a Baseline Energy Model

Ecovantage was engaged to conduct an energy savings study to measure the difference in energy usage following the installation of LED lighting. Pre-installation baseline energy usage data was collected for approximately eight weeks.

2. Develop an Operating Energy Model

Once the lighting upgrade was completed, the energy use was measured for a further eight weeks to develop an Operating Energy Model.

3. Measure the savings & generate certificates

The Avoided Energy (measured savings) was quantified by comparing the site’s energy use before and after the installation of LED lighting. Based on the verified energy savings resulting from the energy-efficiency upgrade, we were then able to generate and monitise 2,963 Energy Savings Certificates (ESCs) – almost 23% above projected, for the client.

Project Takeaways.

This project required a shorter measurement period that some other projects due to two key factors:

  1. The lighting in the building was wired on it’s own circuit so that circuit was easily monitored in isolation
  2. The lights operated on their own cycle – running 24 hours every day, with no seasonal fluctuation

This meant that the baseline and operating models could be developed using less data, in this case we opted for 8 weeks’ of data, reducing the overall project timeframe.

Video: How Does M&V Work?

See more information about Ecovantage’s Measurement & Verification services.

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