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Electric Vehicles with Thomas Sheridan

Meet Thomas, our Energy Solutions Specialist in Sydney.

Thomas started with Ecovantage 5 years ago in the compliance team. He soon moved onto our sales team, primarily within the large energy users space.

Thomas has been driving one of our Kia Niro’s from our Queensland electric vehicle (EV) fleet.

Find out about Thomas’s journey so far…

What type of electric car do you drive?

KIA Niro

How long have you been driving your electric car?

2 Months

How many kilometers do you get per full charge? 

Around 350 – 450 km

How much does it cost to run?

Having only been driving my EV for 2 months, I am unsure at this stage and I try to utilise free charging locations as much as possible. On the occasion that I need to use a Fast charger it has been 0.4c/kwh – roughly $25 for an 80-90% charge.

Thomas Sheridan
How long does your vehicle take to charge?

Direct Current (DC) charging takes roughly 1.5 hrs from 0-80%. Alternating Current (AC) charging takes around 6-10 hours from 0-90%.

What is your favourite feature of your EV?

It is extremely quiet!

How much are you estimated to save per year due to switching to an EV?

Depending on how often I use the car, I could be spending around $80 a week in petrol. With an EV this is between $25-$40 a week in electricity.

Where can you charge your EV and do you find these spots easy to come by?

I do not have access to a charging station at home and so I typically charge my EV at my local shopping centre.

Please sum up your overall experience/opinion on your EV.

It is a joy to drive and makes a huge difference to my work being an ambassador and creating a talking point for energy efficiency/renewables.

Ecovantage's Kia Niro

Do you want to learn more about Electric Vehicle chargers?

Speak with one of our specialists today to find out how we can help you choose the right EV charger for your business.

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