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Heat Pump


1.Do you remove my old hot water systems?

If it is safe to do so, your old hot water system will be removed and recycled. If your tank is in or on the roof, it will be decommissioned and left in place.

2.What does it mean to decommission my old tank?

As per the government scheme requirements, we render your old unit permanently inoperable by drilling a hole in it.

3.How many hot water systems can I replace?

In South Australia there is a limit of 3 hot water systems per residential property, and 2 per property in Victoria and New South Wales. In both South Australia and Victoria there is no limit on the number of hot water systems that can be upgraded in commercial properties.

4.What is the lifespan of the heat pump?

The expected lifespan is 5-10 years, depending on the water supply quality.

5.What is the tank made of?

The tanks are made of steel with a Colourbond exterior and ceramic lining on the inside.

6.Can I replace an old heat pump with a new heat pump?

For SA customers only – yes, as long as it was installed before January 1, 2021, then yes, we can replace it.

7.Is there a relocation fee if I want to move my hot water system?

Yes, the standard relocation fee is $750 for SA, Vic & NSW

8.Does heat pump work with hydronic heating?

The heat pumps will not work with or interfere with a hydronic heating system for the home – they can only be used as a hot water system

9.Does it matter if my property is connected to gas in S.A.?

If the property is not connected to gas then we can claim the full incentive and offer the upgrade to you at the lowest cost. If the property is connected to gas then under the scheme there is less financial incentive. A property is considered not connected to a reticulated gas supply if it does not have a piped connection to a gas distribution system, or it has a piped connection to a gas distribution system, but this connection is not capable of supplying gas to gas equipment and/or appliances (for example, if the supply has been physically disconnected at the meter by the gas network operator).

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