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Case Study

Multi Site Solar for CluBarham Services Club.

Optimising energy usage and curbing costs.

CluBarham - Barham Services Club


CO2e Reduction.

95% / average

Finance graphs

Projected Savings.

$47,000 / year

Payback Period.

3-4 years


Situated on the bank of the Murray River, Barham New South Wales is the perfect location for a weekend getaway. With its array of leisure offerings, including accommodations tailored to diverse needs, CluBarham is a great choice. However, amid the idyllic setting, the challenge of optimising energy usage while curbing costs emerged, prompting CluBarham to seek a sustainable solution.

Solar on the roof of CluBarham

The Challenge:

CluBarham CEO faced a pivotal challenge: finding a proficient installer capable of executing a comprehensive solar PV installation across multiple sites within their hospitality portfolio. Specifically, they sought to enhance sustainability and reduce energy costs at three prominent locations—the CluBarham River Motel and The Comfort Inn CluBarham—along with the esteemed Barham Golf Resort.

After a previous company had installed 100kW on both the RSL and the Golf Course, CluBarham was certain that they would require this amount on the upcoming installations. However, after speaking with the Ecovantage team it was discovered that 100kW was completely inappropriate for these sites. This was uncovered by completing a thorough analysis of the energy bills and load profile of CluBarham.

CluBarham was also informed by the initial company that they had maxed out all rebates at the Golf Course site. After extensive research Ecovantage found  there was potential for another $111k in rebates should they require more solar in future.

Solar on the roof of units at CluBarham

The Installation

After many discussions with Ecovantage’s solar experts, CluBarham decided to go ahead and install an additional 145kW of solar at four sites across their hotels and golf resort to ensure reliability in extreme weather conditions.

At the first site, the Barham Golf Resort, a 58kW solar system was installed across the resort’s cottages and maintenance shed. The second site spanned two CluBarham hotel sites; Comfort Inn CluBarham and the CluBarham River Motel, where 85kW of solar was installed.

For both of these sites, Ecovantage selected LONGI panels and Sungrow inverters, renowned for their unparalleled reliability and efficiency.

Leveraging Ecovantage’s expertise, CluBarham navigated the intricacies of claiming additional Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs), unlocking further financial benefits and enhancing the project’s viability.

Comfort Inn CluBarham

The Outcome

By partnering with Ecovantage, CluBarham has unlocked a two-fold benefit: significant savings on energy expenditure and a forward looking strategy to accommodate future growth. Not only does the project promise to slash $45,000 off their annual energy bills, but it also ensures that their facilities are equipped to handle demand for years ahead.


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