Note: Client name and site location have been removed from this case study to protect sensitive information. Images shown are not of the installation and are for illustration purposes only.
Client Overview.
The client operates a winemaking facility in Victoria’s alpine region. The facility had a 108kW ground mounted solar PV system installed, and engaged Ecovantage to conduct a Measurement & Verification project to quantify the energy savings and generate energy savings certificates.
Project Summary.
Ecovantage was engaged by the client to conduct an energy savings study following installation and commission of a ground mounted solar PV Energy Conservation Measure (ECM). A number of project-specific independent variables were identified and and supporting data was obtained onsite and from the Bureau of Meteorology to create an operating model to calculate future energy savings and quantify the number of Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs) eligible to be created as a result of the ECM.
Technology Ground Mounted Solar PV |
System size 108 kW |
Measurement period 28/09/20 – 22/01/23 |
Savings Summary.
Solar PV.
Baseline energy usage (pre-install) 406.30 MWh |
Operating energy usage (post-install) 326.85 MWh |
First year energy savings 79.44 MWh |
Savings over 10 years 701.13 MWh |
Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs) 696 |
Certificate financial value* $48,024 |
*Based on the VEEC contracted price, minus fees.
Normalised Savings.
Measurement & Verification Process.
1. Develop a Baseline Energy Model
Ecovantage was engaged after the installation of a ground mounted solar PV system to conduct an energy savings study to measure the difference in energy usage following the installation. Pre-installation baseline energy usage interval data was obtained from the client’s energy retailer of a period of 12 months prior to the install.
2. Develop an Operating Energy Model
Once the solar PV was installed, the energy use was measured for 12 months to develop an Operating Energy Model. The Energy Models were developed using site-specific data including:
- Electricity interval data from the energy retailer
- Volume of Red Wine Processed (kL) – obtained from the site
- Volume of White Wine Processed (kL) – obtained from the site
- Solar exposure (MJ/m2) – obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology
3. Measure the savings & generate certificates
The Avoided Energy (measured savings) was quantified by comparing the site’s energy use before and after the installation of the solar system. Based on the verified energy savings resulting from the energy-efficiency upgrade, we were then able to generate and monitise 696 Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs) for the client, reducing their payback period for the project.
Project Takeaways.
Ensuring that your installer conducts accurate modelling of the project’s energy savings benefit is key.
This ensures that your project estimates are as close to the end result as possible.
Video: How Does M&V Work?
See more information about Ecovantage’s Measurement & Verification services.